

Accredited Course Providers


The Accredited Course Providers listing can be found Here.


The Non-Accredited Course Providers listing can be found Here.


The lists are inclusive of all Course Providers for all licence types, use the CTRL F to search/find within the PDF document. 

Continuing Education for P&C Licencees

Part IX Continuing Education

9-1 Rules for qualifying for continuing education

(1) Courses, programs or meetings related to sales production, promotion or motivation do not qualify for credit hours.

(2) Courses related to computer training do not qualify for credit hours with the following exception:

(a) courses relating to brokerage/client management systems may qualify for a combined maximum of 25% of the licensee’s annual continuing education requirement where:

(i) the brokerage/client management system is being used by the licensee’s agency; and

(ii) the licensee is learning a new brokerage/client management system, or one that has significantly changed since the licensee originally learned the system.

(3) One hour of instruction is equal to one hour of continuing education credit.

(4) Courses less than one hour in duration do not qualify for credit.

(5) A maximum of eight credit hours will be allowed in any calendar day.

(6) Only credit hours earned in a reporting period are eligible unless written consent is provided by GICS.

(7) Courses must be taken through course providers outlined in sections 9-4 and 9-5.

(8) Failure to comply with the continuing education requirements shall result in a suspension of licence until the licensee has earned the required continuing education credit hours.

Requirements of Continuing Education

1) Continuing education for a Restricted Auto licensee must be directly related to automobile insurance products.

2) Each annual reporting period licensees are required to earn a minimum of three credit hours of continuing education.

1) Continuing education for a property and casualty licensee must be directly related to property and casualty insurance products or services, or the management of a property and casualty insurance agency.

2) Licensees who do not qualify under (3) or (4) below are required to earn a minimum of twelve credit hours of continuing education each annual reporting period.

3) Licensees with at least twenty-five years of continuous experience in the property and casualty insurance industry are required to earn a minimum of eight credit hours of education each annual reporting period.

4) Licensees who hold one of the following recognized insurance designations are required to earn a minimum of eight credit hours of education each annual reporting period:

a) A.I.I.C. (Associate of the Insurance Institute of Canada);

b) C.A.I.B. (Canadian Accredited Insurance Broker);

c) C.C.I.B. (Canadian Certified Insurance Broker);

d) CIP (Chartered Insurance Professional);

e) C.P.C.U. (Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriter);

f) CRM (Certificate in Risk Management);

g) FCIP (Fellow Chartered Insurance Professional);

h) F.I.I.C. (Fellow of the Insurance Institute of Canada); or

i) FRM (Fellow in Risk Management)

1) Continuing education for a Restricted Travel licensee must be directly related to travel insurance products or services, or the management of a travel insurance agency.

2) Each annual reporting period, licensees are required to earn a minimum of three credit hours of continuing education.

1) Continuing education for an adjuster licensee must be directly related to claims handling of property and casualty insurance products or services, or the management of an adjusting firm.

2) Each annual reporting period licensees are required to earn a minimum of eight credit hours of continuing education.

1) Continuing education for a Crop Hail Adjuster licensee must be directly related to adjusting crop hail insurance or other crop hazards.

2) Every two years, commencing upon licensing, licensees are required to earn a minimum of six credit hours of continuing education.